
Here we will be posting software and data used in our publications. Please note that the use of any of the data and/or software posted here is strictly subject to the inclusion of the corresponding in any related research outcome. Thanks!

Online DTW for Streaming Time Series

Adaptation of the most frequently used elastic similarity measures: Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), Edit Distance (Edit), Edit Distance for Real Sequences (EDR) and Edit Distance with Real Penalty (ERP) to on-line settings.

You are free to download and use the dataset for your own research purposes, provided that you acknowledge this source by citing the following publication:

Izaskun Oregi, Aritz Pérez, Javier Del Ser, Jose A. Lozano, “On-line Elastic Similarity Measures for time series”, Pattern Recognition88, 506-517, 2019.

Access to the software

Weighted Network Instances for Community Partition

Weighted Directed Networks used in the publication “Community Detection in Networks using Bio-inspired Computation: Recent History, New Results and Perspectives”

You are free to download and use the dataset for your own research purposes, provided that you acknowledge this source by citing the following publication:

Eneko Osaba, Javier Del Ser, David Camacho, Miren Nekane Bilbao, Xin-She Yang, “Community Detection in Networks using Bio-inspired Computation: Recent History, New Results and Perspectives”, Information Sciences, under review, 2019.

Benchmark for the (AC-VRP-SPDVCFP)

Benchmark dataset for the Asymmetric and Clustered Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Deliveries, Variable Costs and Forbidden Paths is introduced (AC-VRP-SPDVCFP). This problem is a specific multi-attribute variant of the well-known Vehicle Routing Problem, and it has been originally built for modelling and solving a real-world newspaper distribution problem with recycling policy. The whole benchmark is composed by 15 instances comprised by 50 to 100 nodes. For the design of this dataset, real geographical positions have been used, located in the province of Bizkaia, Spain. A deep description of the benchmark is provided in this paper, aiming at extending the details and experimentation given in:

Eneko Osaba, Xin-She Yang, Fernando Diaz, et al. (2017). A discrete firefly algorithm to solve a rich vehicle routing problem modelling a newspaper distribution system with recycling policy. Soft Computing, 21(18), 5295-5308.